Hér má sjá þá umfjöllun er verkefnið hefur þegar hlotið í fjölmiðlum // An overview of the media coverage the project has already recevied.
Heimildarmyndin Heitar Laugar á Íslandi í Iceland Review
03.10.2010 | 15:00
Hitchhikers Make Doc about Natural Pools in Iceland
Two friends, Harpa Fönn Sigurjónsdóttir and Helga Sveinsdóttir, traveled around the country as hitchhikers last summer with the goal of bathing in as many natural hot springs as possible. They are now making a documentary about their trip.

The Laugafell pool at Sprengisandur, the friends' favorite natural pool. Photo by Páll Stefánsson.
“Preparation for the project began around last Christmas when we stumbled across the book Heitar laugar á Íslandi [“Hot pools in Iceland”]. We have both traveled a lot abroad but until now we had neglected traveling around our own country, Iceland,” Sigurjónsdóttir told Fréttabladid.
“We wanted to travel around the country by hitchhiking and decided to combine the two things: become hitchhikers and visit as many of the country’s natural pools while we were at it,” she added.
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Fréttablaðið 14. ágúst 2010
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Iceland Travel, issue 4, July 2010